We tell you why the tower was created, why it’s leaning and what’s being done to save it from toppling over into obscurity. Be prepared as the tower is renowned for taking the breath away of even repeat visitors. We also walk through picturesque food markets in Pisa where we stop for a delicious light lunch.
Climbing the Leaning Tower of Pisa
General information
" For security reasons, children under 8 years old are not allowed to access the Leaning Tower .
" The visit will last about 30 minutes on the whole and the tourists will be led by the staff of Opera della Primaziale Pisana.
Purchase process:
" To buy your tickets to visit the tower you must follow four easy moves
1. Choose the date of your visit
2. Choose the time of your visit and the number of tickets you would like to buy
3. Fill-in and submit the form with your personal data
4. Print the voucher that is proof of your payment
Security policy of personal data :
" Opera Primaziale has defined and adopted a security policy to protect data submitted using the form onto this web site, to buy tickets to visit the Tower of Pisa. This policy consists of procedures, staff training and use of specific hardware and software to assure availability, integrity and privacy of these data.
Payment conditions:
" Tickets must be payd using credit card and Euro is the only accepted currency.
" Ticket price 15 Euro
Adv. sale fee 2 Euro
" The data communication with the payment system is encrypted to assure our customer data against intrusion. The on line payment process uses Banca Sella S.p.A circuit. The credit card data verify and transaction process are directly managed by Banca Sella S.p.A.
How to get tickets:
" After printing the voucher, the tourist has to go to the ticket offices of Opera della Primaziale Pisana in Piazza del Duomo di Pisa at least 1 hour before the visit starts.
" Once the tourist hands in the voucher, the cashier gives him the ticket for the visit. The ticket is valid only for the time shown on the ticket and the voucher
" The tourist must show the cashier the same document that appears in the voucher..
" The tourist has to go to the proper left-luggage office to hand in bags/luggage before starting the visit.
Source : http://artviva.com/pisa learning tower