Regularly scheduled flights (small planes) serve national park areas on Ofu and Tau Islands and the nearby nation of Samoa. Local "AIGA" buses travel Tutuila Island from dawn to dusk. Taxi service and rental cars are available.
Operating Hours
Open year-round.
Highest June-September; lowest October-May.
Because park land is leased from private landowners, camping requires landowner permission.
Visitors Center and Programs
Visitor Center: The park visitor center is located in the Pago Plaza office building on the island of Tutuila.
Food Supplies and Concessions
Food/Supplies: Food and supplies are available in nearby villages. Visitors should not expect typical mainland facility and service standards.
Visitor Impact
Always snorkel with a partner. While on the beach areas, watch out for falling coconuts, which can kill. Coral rubble beaches are difficult to walk on; watch your step. Be especially careful of rocky areas, which are slippery. Never hike without water; carry 2 to 3 liters per person.
Don't touch the coral! Cuts from coral take a long time to heal.
Additional Information
Medical treatment is only available on Tutuila.
There is only one park-maintained trail currently accessible. This is the Mt. 'Alava Trail on Tutuila. Terrain is very rugged in these islands. There are some old village trails that are overgrown, eroded, steep, and dangerous -- they are not recommended, and their condition will continue to deteriorate over time.
Because park land is leased from private landowners, camping requires landowner permission.
American Samoa is in the South Pacific Ocean between the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn; tropical climate prevails. Temperatures are warm or hot year-round (high 70's to low 90's F) with high humidity. Rain showers are frequent.
Solar radiation is intense here! Always wear sunglasses, sunscreen, a hat, and protective clothing. Carry and use insect repellent.